Name URL Evaluation SubjSsort Ease UnqMaterial UnqLink Fultext? R1-5 ClassREf Subject& Notes Field13
A Name of web site AA URL/ Address Evaluation Notes or comments SUBJECT Abr.: INT= Internet; HIS= History; HEA= Health, Athletics, Preventative Care, Exercise; DIS= Distance Education & Learning/Training; COM= Community Participation & Governance; DEV= Individual Development, Recreational, Spiritual UN = United Nations Agencies Prog & Funds UPL = USA Presidential Libraries AA INT UN LIB HIS HEA DIS COM DEV UPL or-H Ease navigate. Avoid Top 10 Mistake: 01_Frames -Over use; 02_Bleed edge tech; 03_Scroll text or loop animation; 04_Complex URLs; Material Unique collections/materials—potential value [list or refer] ----- --------<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<05_Orphan pages; 06_Long scroll navigate page; 07_Lac Navigation support, 08_Non-standard link colors; 09_Outdated info; 10_Slow Unique Links other sites?<<<<<<<<<download times; for further definition of 10 mistakes see Online reference sources accessible? [list most valuable ones] Rating Scale: 1= not return 2= likely no return 3= good may return 4= very good 5= great Used for Exercise: e.g. 2, Main Subject: Preservation, Access, etc. to be used
Oral History Project for Adult Education Classes Good sample of approach to Oral History could be developed with material as a template to get history of various organizations. What is a minimal set of information to collect? HIS DIS or-H 3 Lessons and Resources for Oral History with samples http://www. y 4
from New Bedford Division of Adult/Continuing Education New Bedford, MA 02740
The White House Virtual Library Good Site Search by key word HIS GOV or-H 4 Easy to Navigate Press Briefings & Radio Addresses - some audio http://www. Yes 5
Note use of PDI Persistent Document Identifiers (PDI)
Rutgers Oral History Archives of World War II Slow Load of Photo on first entry HIS or-H 3 Interview in recent past http://www. y 3

Christian Science Monitor - Black History Project Very Well presented, Text and some audio. HIS or-H 4 diverse multimedia experience, which captures the essence
of people of African origin from around the world
http://www. Y & with some audio 4
A .
Oral History Society Home Page Oral History Society Home Page - good intro with quote and "what is Oral History" Slow load on Journal HIS or-H 3 Journal published twice a year http://www. n 3
dedicated to the collection and preservation of oral history
H-Oralhist HOME PAGE Good presentation. Also analysis of approach to oral hist subject. HIS or-H 3 network for scholars and professionals active in studies
related to oral history. The History of Oral History.
http://www. y 3

Free Speech Movement: Student Protest Limited Time Period But good context presentation with related links. Simple first screen HIS or-H 4 U.C. Berkeley, 1964-65 Searchable transcripts of oral history interviews about the American Free Speech movement. http://www. 4 3

Conversations with History - Looks to be interesting interviews, But very slow to respond on two occasions. Feb 200 Ok. site uses real player for Video. HIS or-H 3 distinguished men and women from all over the world talk
about their lives and their work, in unedited text and video formats
http://www. Y 2

Social Security Administration Oral Histories - s. Disclaimer on First page -Very simple approach. Slow loading picture when load interview. But includes Sound clip & Photos. Good Format HIS or-H 4 oral history transcripts and archive Old and New collections http://www. y 5

Oral History Internet Resources (Michigan Oral History Association) NOW see H-ORALhisat HIS or-H 1 Methods, Centers and Projects http://www. n 3

Oral History Links (University of Hawaii at Manoa) OK Portal - not to much additional HIS or-H
portal http://www.

Oral History Association Portals to links and publications Excerpts of some publications trying to sell HIS or-H 3 Oral History Evaluation Guidelines including Principals and Standards
n 3

Navy Oral History Collection - Great material for those with interest in or served in Navy or Merchant Marine HIS or-H 3 providing naval, coast guard, and merchant marine stories, biographies, photographs,
and documents.
http://www. Y 4
Includes Exec. Ofice memorandum and links
DWIGHT D. EISENHOWER LIBRARY Slow load of first site picture - But elegant and direct pointer to site index HIS UPL or-H 3 Oral history Transcript files http://www. y 4
200 SE 4th Street Abilene, KS 67410-2900
PHONE: 785-263-4751
FAX: 785-263-4218 EMAIL: Museum Hours:

Schools for the New Millennium: Community in History To be revisited for oral story project - good links and samples of approach HIS-ORL, DIS or-H 3 links to Notes on Oral History in the Classroom. How Oral History can be an interdisciplinary link to many subject areas, integrating various courses in a project y 3
Workshop on the Web: Introduction to Oral History Baylor University Institute for Oral

A very good guide to the nuts and bolts of oral history.